News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Irrefutable evidence proves that honey and bee pollen improve menopausal symptoms in breast cancer patients
As the most common cancer among women around the world, breast cancer is one of the biggest health issues of our time. It’s also quite controversial, as you might expect, from a problem that has the potential to generate so many profits. In addition to living with a constant worry of developing this potentially deadly […]
By Cassie B.
The State of Michigan declares cannabis legitimate medicine for treating arthritis, autism, chronic pain and more
Proponents of medical marijuana have faced uphill battles the world over, but one place that is embracing the potential of this curative plant is the state of Michigan. The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs in the state has now added a slew of new medical conditions to its list of illnesses that qualify for […]
By Cassie B.
Oil of oregano kills pathogens safely and effectively
Oregano has an uncanny ability to salvage even the dullest-tasting pasta sauces, but did you know that it can also save your life? Studies have shown that oil of oregano has the power to kill pathogens effectively and safely. Researchers from the Georgetown University Medical Center set out to determine what effects the oil would […]
By Cassie B.
New Medicaid health care plan prescribes healing foods as medicine
The relationship between food and health is a strong one, as study after study has illustrated. The wrong foods can make us ill, and eating the right ones can cure some problems better than any medication ever could. When we read about the latest study touting the benefits of a balanced and wholesome diet, the […]
By Cassie B.
CBD confirmed to reduce seizures in patients with a severe form of epilepsy
Seizures are not only frightening for those who experience them and those who witness them; they can also be extremely dangerous when sufferers lose consciousness or control and fall down. Unfortunately, doctors have yet to find a way to stop them entirely. However, a new study is giving a lot of people hope after finding […]
By Cassie B.
Researchers find that hemp can be used to treat ovarian cancer
Many people are aware that marijuana can help people who have cancer, but another member of the cannabis family has now shown tremendous potential for treating the disease as well. Like marijuana, hemp contains therapeutic components like cannabinol, cannabidiol, and tetrahydrocannabinol. It does not cause addiction, nor does it have psychoactive properties, yet its therapeutic […]
By Cassie B.
YouTube goes to war with natural medicine as tech giant starts BANNING video channels for talking about herbal remedies
Naturopathy often gets ignored by doctors and the mainstream media, but people can learn about natural medicine thanks to independent news sites like Natural News. One place you won’t be able to hear about people’s successes with alternative treatments, however, is the increasingly corrupt YouTube, which has now taken to banning video channels that dare […]
By Cassie B.
Turmeric is an ideal drug alternative for treating Type 2 diabetes – research journal
If you’re diabetic, you’ve probably had it hammered into your head already that you need to eat a low-glycemic diet and exercise regularly, but there is one very powerful tool that can help you in this fight that doesn’t get nearly as much attention: turmeric. This root, which comes from the same plant family as […]
By Cassie B.
Beetroot juice found to decrease blood pressure and could be a great alternative treatment for people with cardiovascular disease
Cardiovascular disease can be frightening, and it’s understandable that those who have it want to do everything in their power to keep it under control. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they need to take on the risks of prescription drugs. A study published in the American Journal of Physiology – Heart and Circulatory Physiology […]
By Cassie B.
DEBUNKED: Cannabis does NOT cause schizophrenia
It’s not unusual to hear those who are opposed to legalizing cannabis claim that it can cause people to develop mental illnesses like schizophrenia, but new research shows that there is very little truth behind the notion. According to King’s College London Psychology Research fellow Dr. Musa Sami, there is no direct correlation between cannabis use […]
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