News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Early stages of schizophrenia can be treated with nutrients found in Brussels sprouts, shellfish, and oranges
Around two million Americans suffer from schizophrenia, and it’s a frustrating chronic mental illness that is marked with disabling symptoms like delusions and hallucinations. Unfortunately, the antipsychotic medications that are often given to address these problems come with their own set of risks. Now, scientists have discovered that certain nutrients could help to fight the […]
By Cassie B.
Drinking coffee may decrease the risk of colon cancer
Americans’ affinity for drinking coffee could prove to be a valuable tool in the fight against colon cancer, according to scientists from UT Southwestern Medical Center’s Simmons Cancer Center. Drinking coffee has been associated with a lower risk of developing colon cancer, along with recurring tumors and death from the illness. Because there are so […]
By Cassie B.
Treat and even prevent diabetes with ginger: Study finds it improves several markers of the disease
Are you doing everything you can to avoid diabetes or control it if you already have it? It’s a frightening illness that can severely impact a person’s quality of life and even lead to death, so it’s only natural that people who are concerned about their health take steps to reduce their risk. Perhaps you’re […]
By Cassie B.
Herbal and fruit supplement found to be more effective at managing diabetes than metformin drug
Type 2 diabetes can be a tricky illness to manage. In many cases, it is entirely possible to keep it under control with proper diet and regular exercise, and the lack of side effects makes this the most prudent approach for many people. However, others turn to diabetes drugs like Metformin to manage their condition, […]
By Cassie B.
Turmeric and omega 3s can cure diabetes – but you’ll never hear that from your doctor
Have you ever wondered why diseases like diabetes remain so difficult to treat despite all the incredible advances seen in modern medicine? It’s a common question, but you’ve already missed the point just by asking it. That’s because the solution to diabetes is not found in modern medicine at all. Instead, nature has the answer […]
By Cassie B.
Essential oils prove to be an effective treatment for ADHD
ADHD is a very controversial diagnosis, with many people suspecting it’s a way to drum up some business for doctors and pharmaceutical companies. After all, there is no type of scientific test to diagnose it. However, it is true that some children really do have trouble concentrating that extends beyond the typical levels seen in […]
By Cassie B.
Mental health issues are often the result of a nutritional deficiency; treating them with prescription drugs can further compromise your well-being
Are you or someone you know experiencing a mental health issue? With one out of every four Americans expected to experience a mental health condition during their lifetime, there is a good chance your life will be touched by mental illness. Why are so many people experiencing serious mental problems these days? According to Professor […]
By Cassie B.
Herbal blend that includes horsetail found to reduce urinary incontinence and overactive bladder, without the side effects of prescriptions
If you suffer from urinary incontinence or overactive bladder, you’re probably losing patience with the frequent bathroom visits and night awakenings this condition can cause. Perhaps you’ve tried prescription drugs to no avail, or you’re not willing to take on their risks. Now, evidence shows that an herbal blend containing horsetail could help treat the […]
By Cassie B.
Nutrients in whey protein may offer solutions to diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, and poor bone formation
A plant-based diet can be beneficial to your health in many ways, but some experts have voiced concerns that people who avoid animal-derived foods entirely are missing out on some very useful nutrients that can help fight chronic disease. Dr. Ian Givens, a food chain nutrition professor at the University of Reading, recently spoke at […]
By Cassie B.
A variety of natural treatment modalities can legitimately reverse cancer
Few things in life are more frightening than getting a cancer diagnosis. Even if the type of cancer you have can be treated with chemotherapy, there are lots of reasons you might be hesitant to subject your body to its effects. While each case is different, there are quite a few natural treatment modalities that […]
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