Friday, March 11, 2016 by Julie Wilson
The Natural Medicine Summit is right around corner, but fortunately there is still time to sign up for this unique and free opportunity that will help you learn the benefits of natural medicine, healing, and wellness.
The summit, which is available online March 14 through the 22, features presentations from a myriad of professionals in the field of natural health who will lend tips on anti-aging, weight loss, skin care, heart and brain health, and how to beat chronic disease.
When terms or concepts become extremely popular, misinformation often follows, making it difficult to find trustworthy sources because everyone, including those with ill intentions, are trying to get a piece of the pie.
This is sometimes the case in the field of holistic health.
Sign up today for the Natural Medicine Summit for FREE to get access to three powerful sources of health information at no cost!
“It’s getting harder and harder to get really accurate, truthful, and honest information out there, especially on the internet. That’s why what you’re doing with this summit is so important,” said Jonathan Landsman, the Managing Director of NaturalHealth365.
He’s right. The Natural Medicine Summit is an informative and trustworthy place to obtain information about natural health and wellness, which why you should take advantage of this opportunity and sign up today.
Those who register today, will receive instant access to three free gifts, including an expert talk from the summit’s host, Dr. Michael Murray, one of the world’s leading authorities on natural health, and all-natural skin care advice from Dr. Trevor Cates. You will also get tips from Dr. Daniel G. Amen about which foods are best for maintaining optimal brain health.
Included in this year’s stellar lineup of natural health professionals is San Diego-based Naturopathic Doctor Mark Stengler, who has received extensive training in both conventional and alternative medicine.
Nicknamed “America’s Natural Doctor,” Dr. Stengler is celebrated for his unique ability to combine advanced modern technology with traditional medicines that have withstood the test of time. He is educated in the use of bio-identical hormones, intravenous nutrient therapy, chelation therapy, ozone therapy, clinical nutrition, and Chinese medicine.
Aside from his clinical practice, Dr. Stengler is also an author and co-author who has written more than 30 books including several bestsellers. His most recent book is titled Prescription for Natural Cures, 3rd edition, but he’s also the author of Health Revelations, one of the nation’s largest health newsletters. Dr. Stengler has appeared on dozens of television outlets including Fox, CBS, NBC and PBS.
Sign up today for the Natural Medicine Summit for FREE to get access to three powerful sources of health information at no cost!
Dr. Stengler is an expert in using diet and nutrition to naturally treat hormone imbalances – a topic he’ll be sharing more on at the Natural Medicine Summit. His presentation, “Anti-Aging with Natural Hormone Balancing,” will teach virtual attendees how to identify hormone imbalances, which can cause fatigue, weight gain or weight loss, as well as affect a person’s energy levels.
Dr. Stengler’s presentation will also discuss the most common causes of hormone imbalance and ways to rebalance them naturally through the proper use of bio-identical hormones via diet and nutritional supplementation.
Bio-identical hormones are chemically identical to those that the human body produces and are made from plant extracts such as soy and yams. Integrative doctors generally prefer these over synthetic hormones because long-term use of the latter can lead to breast cancer, stroke, heart disease, and blood clots.
They may pose other risks as well. It was recently revealed that androgen deprivation therapy, a common treatment for prostate cancer that lowers testosterone levels, may double the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
This heightened risk isn’t something patients may be faced with later on in life, either. Researchers with the American Cancer Society learned that those who receive androgen deprivation therapy could develop Alzheimer’s in the next two to three years.
To learn more about natural hormone therapy, be sure to register for the summit and tune into what’s certain to be a fascinating talk by Dr. Stengler.
Tagged Under: Tags: Blood clots, breast cancer, Dr. Mark Stengler, Hormone therapy, Natural hormone therapy, Natural Medicine Summit