News & Articles By Olivia Cook
By Olivia Cook
Solve your health issues naturally with these science-backed home remedies
Alternative medicines, such as Ayurveda, homeopathy, naturopathy and Chinese or Oriental medicine, have used organic plants, herbs, nuts and even fruits and vegetables to treat a myriad of illnesses for centuries. The natural remedies presented here are based on ancient medicinal practices – natural therapies that have been proven effective time and time again. Using natural […]
By Olivia Cook
Essential oils: Must-have items from Mother Nature for your survival cache
Discomforts and illnesses don’t fail to show up during emergencies, disasters and survival scenarios. Stockpiling food, water and other necessities may not be enough to stay healthy during such times. A careful selection of essential oils can be your best ally when you are in a situation with limited or absolutely no access to medical care. […]
By Olivia Cook
Colloidal silver: A safe and powerful natural antibiotic
Historically, societies and civilizations all over the world have used silver to keep liquids fresh, including wine, milk and water; to disinfect food and eating utensils; and prevent plague and infection. Before the invention of the refrigerator, it was common practice to drop a silver coin into a container of milk as a preservative because […]
By Olivia Cook
Not all salts are equal: 20 Ways to use Himalayan salt – the purest salt on Earth
Himalayan salt is hand-extracted from the Khewra Salt Mines located in the Himalayas mountain ranges that fall in Punjab, a province in Pakistan. It is believed to have been formed millions of years ago from the evaporation of ancient bodies of water, and is said to be the purest salt on Earth. Mined Himalayan salt […]
By Olivia Cook
Frankincense: One of the most powerful medicines from Mother Nature
Frankincense has been used as a natural remedy by various cultures for thousands of years. Ancient Egyptians used frankincense as an insect repellant, a perfume and a salve, while ancient Greeks and Romans used it as a remedy for various conditions. Natural healers in ancient China also used frankincense extensively. Named after the French phrase “franc encens,” which […]
By Olivia Cook
Revitalizing natural remedies for common complaints
Natural remedies give you a chance to treat common health issues naturally. A vast majority of prescription medicines and over-the-counter medications are expensive, not very effective and can cause unfavorable side effects. On the other hand, natural remedies can be used in the comfort of your home, are inexpensive and are made from ingredients commonly found in households. […]
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